Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 3, 2018

Niche Website Templates-A Professionally Designed Unique Website Template Package


Niche Website Templates-A Professionally Designed Unique Website Template Package. It's Ideal For Sales Pages, Landing Pages, Squeeze Pages And All Kinds Of Niche Websites.

I am not much of a copywriter. I am designer and a programmer. So here's what this page is all about...
What I have is a new mini-site template that is different from what you normally see. It's designed to give you that professionalism look combined with a powerful corporate presence.
Like it or not, people are tired of the typical header-footer mini-site design.
I am tired of it.
They don't trust it anymore. The minute they see you typical header, they'll be reaching for the litte "x" button on the top right of their browser.
They trust Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google...
And take a look at other websites that actually do sell something...,,,,
Even huge online marketing gurus are changing the way they sell products online. Just take a look at,,,
Is your mini-site anything like theirs?
That's why I created the Mighty Minisite template...
To give you that "dependable" look and gain the trust of your website visitors immediately.
And you know that people only buy from websites they trust.
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2.What if you use mighty minisite template instead ?

The most reason why I createad Mighty Minisite template is to take your online branding to the next level.

But because this is also a template product, Mighty Minisite template was coded to be easy to use, with SEO friendliness and clean code.
A major part of it is done by applying easy to use and modify CSS formating.
With sleak CSS coding, some of the biggest benefits that you get is a light-weight website because you no longer need to use HTML codes like <table>, <img>, <font> to style your sales letter.
Mighty Minisite template also include some of the best ways to hightlight content on your website. Check out how easy it is to display a list, create a boxed content, display headlines and more...
  • strong blod logo 
  • clear website name and description 
  • Top menu navigation (can be removed )
  • graphical headline
  • sidebar area 
  • footer menu 
Basically, everything you need to create a professional, corporate look mini-site is there.
You don't have to have a sleazy mini-site design anymore.
But that's not all... We want give you options...
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3.Don't worry ! we provide you with options ...

Though using a mini-site template, as an online enterpreneur myself, I understand that you may
want your mini-site to look different from other people's.
So I provided you with options...

Two different layouts styles - with or without sidebar 

I know at times marketers just want a simple top-to-bottom layout without any distraction. This same mini site design is also available without the sidebar.
In fact, you can toggle between the two easily, simply by applying the "full" class to <body>, like this
<body class="full">.

Comes in two different colors -Blue and Red 

Don't like the blue - use the red. The red is suitable for a fierce, aggressive look. And with the right background, you can also project a cuddly, lovable image. Use which ever you want according to your project.
You can choose to use either of these color designs.

Easy styling with CSS 

You can choose to use either of these color designs.I really thought through all the things that you may want to have when designing this mini-site template.
First of all, <H1>, <H2> and <H3> are already styled. You can straight away use them for headlines and sub-headings.
On top of that, using <blockquote> will simply brings up the nice blue text box, with a huge double quote in the background.
Using <div class="module"> will create a nice Johnson box for module details, bonuses or any other info.
And with lists, instead of the boring square or dot, you can create a nice YES or NO list, where the bullets are either a cross image or a check image. Just use <ul class="yes"> or <ul class="no">
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 There two easy ways to customize your mini-site. From the Photoshop PSD source file, you can edit the header by applying your own logo and text. Another method is by applying your own background graphic.
Mighty Minisite was designed to allow the users to use any background graphic. Use a grunge theme to make a grunge website. Use a sky theme to make a happy website.
Basically, it's all up to you.
 There two easy ways to customize your mini-site. From the Photoshop PSD source file, you can edit the header by applying your own logo and text. Another method is by applying your own background graphic.
Mighty Minisite was designed to allow the users to use any background graphic. Use a grunge theme to make a grunge website. Use a sky theme to make a happy website.
Basically, it's all up to you.

I can just give you the main PSD source file, but I know that Photoshop can be a challenge for some. So I've split those PSD files into several pieces making it easier to use and to understand
Instead of one big PSD file, you will get PSD like header.psd and orderbutton.psd.

 What more can you possibly want...??

Using Mighty Minisite, you can have a brand new look and this could improve your conversions overnight. Just grab it today and start customizing it.
By tomorrow, you could be experiencing that extra sales you never thought is in your website. Or perhaps that extra subscribers when you thought your website was up to its limit.

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