Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 6, 2017

Quickbooks University -Best quickbooks training tutorials

“Ultimate Treasure-Trove Of Easy QuickBooks Tutorial Videos Ever Crammed Into One Product… And It’s Never Been This Easy, Affordable, And Quick To Learn.”

We Guarantee You that You Will Master Quickbooks Super Fast And Finally Unlock the Secrets of Your Business, Manage Your Costs and Earn More Money.

If you use Intuit’s accounting software without any Quickbooks tutorial, there’s a good chance you’re not using it properly and you’re flushing money down the toilet.

 …INSTEAD, you can learn everything there is to know about QuickBooks. (And save time and money, AND skyrocket your profits while doing it!!) Sound Good?
Dear Friend,
Hi there! It’s me Mat. I’m a practicing CPA in Greenville, South Carolina.  I have been self-employed as a CPA for 15 years, and have worked, and continue to work with, businesses of all sizes each and every day to properly use Quickbooks so they can grow their business.
If you would like to understand and utilize QuickBooks to its full capacity, and save time and money in the process, then you must use any sort Quickbooks tutorial – keep reading.
-Listen, Here’s Why: My course The QuickBooks University, a set of Quickbooks tutorial videos, covers everything you need to know about QuickBooks, including how to unlock the secrets of your business, manage your costs, spend less time working on your books, and earn more money! Sounds great, huh? Imagine being able to improve your profits by up to 200%. Wouldn’t that be great? Or what if you could use QuickBooks to automate some functions of your business? How much time could that free up? 10 hours per week? 20 hours per week? Do you think your family might enjoy that extra time with you? How would that feel? Pretty good, right? Imagine being able to spend less time working “in” your business and more time working “on” your business. Or maybe actually getting face time with customers and clients instead of being locked up in your office! It truly is possible, but you need to know how. That’s what the QuickBooks tutorial videos from the Quickbooks University can help you to do.
-get it here link:
Quickbooks University  -Best quickbooks training tutorials by TonyNguyen113
No CPA Required…
Anyone can do this. You don’t have to be a CPA or MBA to master QuickBooks. (Heck, you don’t even have to be good at math.) You just need the right tools. And QuickBooks University has all the tools you need.
I make the system easy – easy to learn, easy to use, and all you have to do is walk through the door and take action… that’s it. Everything is provided to you step-by-step and point-by-point.
I’ve proven that ANYONE can learn QuickBooks. I’ve proven it time and time again for over 15 years. With the right instruction, you can learn QuickBooks too.
Get instant access to 38 awesome QuickBooks training videos (+ 12 additional Advanced videos for buying the Full Business License) explaining in great detail WHAT you have to do to manage your accounts using QuickBooks. You will learn finally HOW to use QuickBooks to enjoy the following benefits…

  • Higher margins, more ROI and more profits for your business 
  • Fully automate your accounting tasks
  •  Free up your time for more important things
  •  Improve your cash flow management
  •  Work on your business and not in your business
  •  Make better business decisions based on more transparency
  • Simply, every element of The QuickBooks University is there because it is rock solid, tried and true. I’ve been a CPA for years — I’ve mastered everything about QuickBooks. My friends and clients call me the “QuickBooks Professor.” (trademark pending, LOL!) Look, I’ve put tons of effort into making these video tutorials into manageable chunks of information. I’m really good at breaking things down to the fundamentals and building up from there. I make it easy for you to become a “QuickBooks Pro” too. I got close to charging $299 per month for access to these tutorials. Believe me, they’re worth it. But I want as many people as possible to be able to take advantage of this opportunity, so I’m only charging $247 Limited Special Offer $147 for the Multi User Business License, and for the  Basic License 
    $147 Limited Special Offer $97 , that’s ONE TIME and not a subscription with monthly payment.

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    tag: premature boys, last longer in bed,premature babies,premature ejaculation

    Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 6, 2017

    premature boys (Link in description)-5 Ways To Prevent Premature Ejacula...

    In this article I want to share with you 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation.

    If you've ever been disillusioned into thinking that there's nothing you can do to prevent premature ejaculation and that it's just something "you're born with" or "can't do anything about" then hopefully this will change your mind and inspire you...

    Because the truth is that there are many ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and being able to last longer in bed is something that lies within your control.

    So let me go ahead and share with you 5 powerful strategies for preventing premature ejaculation and lasting longer in bed...

    1 – Take Some Deep Breaths

    A lot of men when it comes to sex can get very nervous and fearful or premature ejaculation.  As a result they get all tense, sweaty and start taking lots of short, sharp and shallow breaths.  Unfortunately this is a great recipe for premature ejaculation.  So next time you find your nerves kicking in take 10 slow deep breaths and just watch how you suddenly become a lot more relaxed... and last longer too.

    2 – Become James Bond

    Another way to get rid of your nerves and prevent premature ejaculation is to change your thoughts. If you're constantly worrying about how bad it's going to be if you orgasm too soon then you're bound to make yourself nervous... and actually end up making it happen.  On the other hand, if you spend your time thinking like James Bond would think, i.e. seeing yourself in control, just enjoying the moment and not stressing about anything, then you'll have no nerves to encourage premature ejaculation.

    3 – Urinate Before Sex

    This is a dead simple way to prevent premature ejaculation, but it's one men time and time again forget about.  Don't be like most other men.  Remember to go to the bathroom before having sex.  By doing this you take the pressure off your genitals and lasting longer will come naturally.
    In this article I want to give you 6 tips to last longer in bed.

    Now before I share these 6 tips I want you to know something.

    Premature ejaculation is not some "gene" you're born with, the result of your penis size or a part of your personality that you can never change.

    Premature ejaculation is caused by specific things that you do before and during sex... Most of the time without even realizing it.

    And if you want to last longer in bed you've got to take control of what you do before and during sex and start consciously doing things that will help you last longer.

    So below you'll find 6 tips to last longer in bed, which if you make into a habit of doing before / during sex, then premature ejaculation can become a thing of the past for you.

    1 – Urinate Before Sex

    This is a simple trick most guys overlook.  Before sex make sure you use the bathroom.  If you don't then you'll have a full bladder which can put pressure on your genitals.  And with pressure on your genitals you're more likely to experience premature ejaculation.

    2 – Master Your Pelvic Muscles

    There's a muscle in your genital area you can actually use to stop your ejaculation.  This muscle is the same one you can use to stop the urine flow while urinating.  Take the time to strengthen this muscle by "squeezing it" throughout the day.  Eventually when it comes to sex this muscle will be so strong that if you squeeze it just before orgasm you can actually stop ejaculation from happening.

    3 – Use Deep Breathing

    Most men when it comes to sex out of excitement they end up taking lots of short shallow breaths.  The problem with shallow breathing and overexcitement is that it can actually encourage premature ejaculation.  Instead make a conscious effort to take some long deep breaths before and during sex.  This is a great way to calm yourself down so you last longer.

    4 – Rub Her Clitoris

    A great tip to last longer in bed is to thrust really deep inside her (without hurting her obviously).  And once you're in deep stay deep and just rub her clitoris with your pelvic bone.  What's great about this sex technique is that it reduces your stimulation meaning you can last longer, but it gives her a ton of pleasure at the same time.

    5 – Masturbate For Longer

    When you masturbate you actually end up conditioning yourself for how long you expect your body and penis to last during sex.  This means if you masturbate for a matter of minutes or even seconds then when it comes to sex you're not going to last any longer.  In future masturbate for much longer, as long as you'd like to last during sex.  If you find yourself close to orgasm just stop for a minute, then restart.

    6 – Relax Your Muscles

    A dead simple way of lasting longer in bed is to just relax your muscles more.  Normally you'll find that your muscles get more and more tense as you approach orgasm.  When you notice this happening just allow your muscles to relax again.  By consciously relaxing your muscles you can delay orgasm by several minutes.

    So go try these 6 tips to last longer in bed and I hope they work out for you.

    Oh, and go check out this cool new video I've just found posted online about how to last longer in bed.

    It shows exactly what this guy, Jack Grave, did to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 35 minutes, watch it at- get it here link :
    premature boys (Link in description)-5 Ways To Prevent Premature Ejaculation
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    Author :Tony Nguyen

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